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Mini San Marzano Tomato

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Mini San Marzano Tomato

SKU: 2407

Mini San Marzano Tomatoes are a petite variety of plum tomatoes known for their sweet and robust flavor. They are ideal for sauces, roasting, and garnishing.

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Mini San Marzano Tomato

Mini San Marzano tomatoes are a petite and flavorful variety that captivates taste buds with their unique profile. These little marvels, resembling elongated cherry tomatoes, boast a rich, sweet taste combined with a subtle tanginess that distinguishes them from other tomato varieties. Renowned for their exquisite flavor, they bring a burst of freshness to salads, sauces, and various culinary creations.

These tomatoes, originating from Italy, are characterized by their small size, firm texture, and elongated shape. Their thin, glossy skin encapsulates a juicy interior, making them ideal for snacking or adding a burst of vibrant color to dishes. Mini San Marzanos are celebrated for their versatility, enhancing both raw and cooked preparations with their intense tomato essence. Whether enjoyed fresh in salads, oven-roasted for a concentrated sweetness, or simmered into sauces, these tomatoes offer a delightful culinary experience that elevates the essence of Mediterranean cuisine. Mini San Marzano tomatoes are a cherished ingredient, embodying the essence of authentic, robust tomato flavor in a small, exquisite package.

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All Year

Avg. Shelf Life from Harvest

1 ? 2 weeks


Discover the exquisite flavor of our Mini San Marzano Tomatoes, a vibrant assortment that adds a burst of sweetness to your culinary creations. These petite, elongated tomatoes are prized for their rich, complex taste and firm texture, making them ideal for salads, sauces, and snacking. Grown in nutrient-rich soil and bathed in sunlight, each tomato embodies the essence of Mediterranean cuisine. With a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, these miniature gems elevate dishes with their intense flavor profile. Whether sliced for a refreshing salad or simmered into a luscious sauce, our Mini San Marzano Tomatoes bring a touch of culinary sophistication to every kitchen, promising a delectable journey for your taste buds.

Cultural Significance

Mini San Marzano tomatoes, cherished for their rich flavor and distinct elongated shape, hold profound cultural significance. Originating from Italy, these petite tomatoes are a culinary icon, embodying the essence of Mediterranean cuisine. Their vibrant taste and versatility have made them a staple in traditional dishes, symbolizing the art of slow cooking and the importance of fresh, quality ingredients. Mini San Marzanos have transcended borders, becoming a global culinary sensation, celebrated in diverse cultures for their contribution to delectable sauces, salads, and gourmet creations, uniting food enthusiasts in a shared appreciation for authentic, flavorful experiences.


Product Type


Storage Instructions

Store in cool, dry place




1 kg, 250g, 500g


Nutrition Facts




10 gm


1 gm

Serving Size

100 gm


5 gm


5 gm

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