Showing 1–24 of 30 results


Mushrooms Eryngii (King Oyster)

KD 2.438KD 4.875
1 kg

King oyster mushrooms, with thick, meaty stems and a mild, savory flavor, perfect for grilling, roasting, and saut?ing.

Tomato Cherry Red Vine

KD 1.238

Red vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, sweet and juicy, ideal for salads, snacking, and showcasing on the vine for a decorative touch.

Tomato Kumato

KD 1.500KD 3.000
1 kg

Kumato tomatoes, brown and sweet with a unique flavor profile, ideal for salads, sandwiches, and adding intrigue to dishes.

Radish Watermelon

KD 1.800

Watermelon Radish is a unique radish variety known for its striking appearance and mild, slightly sweet flavor. It’s perfect for slicing and adding to salads or garnishing dishes.

Capsicums Orange

KD 1.313KD 2.588
1 kg

Orange bell peppers, known for their sweet and fruity flavor, perfect for salads, fajitas, and adding vibrant color to meals.

Golden Beetroot

KD 1.088

Golden Beetroot is a vibrant and sweet variety of beetroot with a golden-yellow flesh. It can be roasted, boiled, or used in salads, offering a unique and earthy flavor.

Capsicums Red

KD 1.350KD 2.700
1 kg

Red bell peppers, with a sweet and slightly tangy taste, versatile for roasting, saut?ing, and using as a colorful garnish.

Capsicums Yellow

KD 1.275KD 2.550
1 kg

Yellow bell peppers, with a mild and slightly sweet flavor, great for adding brightness to salads, stir-fries, and sandwiches.

Purple Potato

KD 1.125

Purple potatoes, with vividly colored flesh, great for adding a visually striking element to dishes and creative culinary presentations.

Brussels Sprouts

KD 1.500

Brussels sprouts, small green cabbages, versatile for roasting, saut?ing, or steaming, often served as a side dish or appetizer.

Mushroom Portobello

KD 1.988KD 3.975
1 kg

Portobello mushrooms, large and meaty with a robust flavor, great for grilling, stuffing, and serving as a meat substitute.

Baby Paksoi

KD 1.800

Baby Paksoi – Tender and versatile baby bok choy.


KD 1.100KD 1.500
1 kg

Holland cauliflower, similar to regular cauliflower, often used in European cuisine, including creamy soups and gratins.

Tomato Vine

KD 1.200

Vine-Ripened Tomatoes are tomatoes that are left to ripen on the vine, enhancing their flavor and sweetness. They are ideal for salads, sandwiches, and a variety of cooked dishes.

Tomato Plum (Roma)

KD 2.200

Tomato Plum, also known as Roma Tomato, is a versatile tomato variety with a firm texture and rich flavor. It’s commonly used in sauces, pastes, and Italian cuisine.

Tomato Heirloom Mix

KD 2.300

Heirloom Tomato Mix offers a variety of colorful and unique tomato types, each with its own flavor and texture. It’s perfect for creating vibrant and flavorful dishes.

San Marzano Tomato

KD 2.550

San Marzano Tomatoes, a variety of plum tomatoes known for their sweet and rich flavor, often used in Italian sauces, pastes, and dishes.

Tigerella Tomato Red

KD 3.850

Tigerella Tomatoes are known for their distinctive striped appearance and sweet, tangy flavor. They are ideal for slicing and adding to salads, sandwiches, or as a colorful garnish.

Tigeralla Tomato Green

KD 2.600

Tigerella Tomatoes are a variety of heirloom tomatoes with a distinctive striped pattern. They have a sweet and tangy flavor, making them perfect for salads and garnishes.

Shallot Banana

KD 1.350

Banana Shallots are a type of shallot known for their elongated shape and mild, sweet flavor. They are commonly used in cooking and offer a delightful twist to your recipes.

Asparagus White

KD 2.800

White asparagus, known for its milder and slightly nutty flavor, often used in European cuisine, especially in creamy sauces.


KD 2.700

Fresh and tart rhubarb, perfect for baking pies and adding a tangy twist to desserts.


KD 1.500

Parsnip is a root vegetable with a sweet and nutty flavor. It can be roasted, mashed, or used in soups and stews, providing a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals.

Mini San Marzano Tomato

Mini San Marzano Tomatoes are a petite variety of plum tomatoes known for their sweet and robust flavor. They are ideal for sauces, roasting, and garnishing.