Showing 1–24 of 27 results


Peachberry 100 gm

KD 2.625

Peachberry is a unique fruit variety that combines the sweet taste of peaches with the vibrant color of strawberries. It offers a delightful and flavorful experience.

White Strawberry

KD 0.975
1 pkt

A unique berry with white flesh and red seeds, offering a delightful blend of pineapple and strawberry flavors.

Tropical Basket

KD 18.500

A Tropical Haven For All Fruit Lovers! Filled With Alphonso Mangoes, Papaya Boats, a Selection of Melons, Berries, Mangosteen, Pomegranate and Passion Fruit. If there was One Product that had It All This Would Be It!

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KD 1.000
1 pkt (100g)

Physalis, a small and tangy fruit with a papery husk, commonly used as a garnish, in desserts, or enjoyed as a unique and flavorful snack.

Fruit Blast

KD 7.850
1 pc

Selection of the seasonal favorite fruits on a platter – Mango, Watermelon, Sweet Melon, Pineapple, Oranges, Raspberry, Blueberry and Grapes.

Red Iced Guava

KD 1.650
1 pkt (300g)

Red Iced Guava is a refreshing tropical fruit known for its sweet and juicy flesh. It’s often enjoyed as a chilled snack or used to make guava juice and beverages.


KD 2.200

Rambutans, similar to lychees, with a sweet and juicy flesh enclosed in a hairy skin, a tropical delicacy.


KD 1.600
1 kg

Pomegranates with ruby-red arils bursting with sweet and tangy juice, rich in antioxidants and versatile for snacking or garnishing.

Physalis Berry

KD 1.300

Physalis Berry, a small and tangy fruit with a papery husk, commonly used as a garnish, in desserts, or enjoyed as a unique and flavorful snack.

Alphonso Mango

KD 2.800
1 kg

Alphonso Mango is a popular and highly sought-after mango variety known for its sweet, juicy, and aromatic flesh. It’s often considered the “King of Mangoes” for its quality.

Passion Fruit

KD 1.750KD 7.000
1 kg

Exotic passion fruit with a unique, sweet-tart flavor, ideal for eating fresh, juicing, or using as a garnish.


KD 2.200

Mangosteen, often called the “queen of fruits,” known for its sweet and slightly tart flavor, a tropical delicacy.


KD 2.000

Longan, a small and sweet tropical fruit, similar to lychee, often enjoyed fresh or used in various desserts and beverages.

Jackfruit Ripe

KD 1.300

Ripe Jackfruit, a tropical fruit with sweet and tropical notes, often used in desserts, smoothies, and curries for its unique taste and texture.

Green Iced Guava

KD 1.650
1 pkt (300g)

Green Iced Guava is a refreshing and sweet guava-flavored beverage. It’s a popular choice for cooling off and enjoying the tropical taste of guava.

Dragon Fruit White

KD 1.375KD 2.750
1 pc
1 pkt (700g)

Dragon fruit with white flesh and sweet, mild flavor, often used in fruit salads and smoothies for its striking appearance.

Dragon Fruit Red

KD 1.350KD 2.700
1 pc
1 pkt (600g)

Red Dragon Fruit, also known as pitaya, a tropical fruit with vibrant pink or red flesh, offering a sweet and mildly tangy flavor, perfect for enjoying fresh or in various dishes.

Coconut (Tender)

KD 1.300
1 pc

Young, tender coconuts with refreshing coconut water and soft flesh, a tropical treat.


KD 3.100KD 5.600
1 kg

Lychees are small and exotic fruits with a sweet and floral flavor. They are typically enjoyed fresh, peeled, and seedless for a delightful and juicy treat.


KD 2.475
1 pkt

A unique berry with white flesh and red seeds, offering a delightful blend of pineapple and strawberry flavors.

Pink Guava

KD 1.313
1 pkt (400g)

Pink Guava is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and pink flesh. It’s often enjoyed fresh or used in beverages, smoothies, and desserts for a delightful tropical flavor.


KD 1.875

Fragrant and tropical guavas, known for their sweet and slightly tart taste, perfect for eating fresh or juicing.


KD 2.250
1 pc

Strasberry – A unique and flavorful berry variety.

Mango Kent

KD 5.500
1 kg

Juicy and aromatic mangoes, a tropical delight known for their sweet and fragrant flesh, ideal for snacking and making desserts.