Showing 19–36 of 572 results


White Dragon Fruit Snack

KD 1.463

White Dragon Fruit Snack features white-fleshed dragon fruit, known for its mildly sweet and refreshing taste. It’s a convenient and exotic fruit snack option.

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Iceberg Lettuce

KD 1.388
1 pc

Iceberg Lettuce, a crisp and refreshing variety of lettuce, commonly used as a base for salads, sandwiches, and wraps for added crunch.

Tropical Basket

KD 13.875

A Tropical Haven For All Fruit Lovers! Filled With Alphonso Mangoes, Papaya Boats, a Selection of Melons, Berries, Mangosteen, Pomegranate and Passion Fruit. If there was One Product that had It All This Would Be It!

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KD 0.150KD 0.300
1 kg

Locally grown tomatoes, known for their fresh and authentic flavor, versatile for sauces, soups, sandwiches, and salads.

Pineapple Bites (Kids Snack)

KD 0.413

Bite-sized pineapple pieces, perfect for on-the-go snacking or adding a tropical touch to salads, desserts, and culinary creations.

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Tomato Cherry Red

KD 0.525
1 pkt

Red cherry tomatoes, small and sweet, perfect for snacking, salads, and adding bursts of flavor to a variety of dishes.

Tomato Cherry Red Vine

KD 1.238

Red vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, sweet and juicy, ideal for salads, snacking, and showcasing on the vine for a decorative touch.

Mix Fruits Box

KD 4.894
1 Box

A box filled with assorted fruits, offering a diverse and healthy selection for snacking, desserts, and adding natural sweetness to dishes.

Tomato Cherry Yellow

KD 0.675
1 pkt

Yellow cherry tomatoes, sweet and tangy, ideal for salads, salsas, and as colorful toppings for pizzas and bruschettas.

Toddler Box

KD 7.631

The Toddler Box is specially curated with products suitable for toddlers and young children. It includes a variety of items that are kid-friendly and nutritious.

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Strawberry Snack

KD 1.050

Delicious, sweet and juicy strawberry snack with a chocolate dip to enjoy with!

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The Ultimate Mango Box

KD 9.450
1 Box

Juicy and aromatic mangoes from India and Colombia, a tropical delight known for their sweet and fragrant flesh, ideal for snacking and making desserts (1.5 Kg Aphonso and 1.5 Baby Mango)

White Strawberry

KD 2.025

A unique berry with white flesh and red seeds, offering a delightful blend of pineapple and strawberry flavors.

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KD 0.350
1 pkt (100g)

Physalis, a small and tangy fruit with a papery husk, commonly used as a garnish, in desserts, or enjoyed as a unique and flavorful snack.

Tomato Kumato

KD 1.500KD 3.000
1 kg

Kumato tomatoes, brown and sweet with a unique flavor profile, ideal for salads, sandwiches, and adding intrigue to dishes.

A Touch of Sea Salt – Chips

KD 0.525

A Touch of Sea Salt Chips, potato chips lightly seasoned with a touch of sea salt, offering a simple and satisfying snack.

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Affilla Cress

KD 0.488
1 pc

Affilla Cress is a type of microgreen known for its delicate appearance and mild, peppery flavor. It’s often used as a garnish for salads, soups, and various culinary presentations.

Alfalfa Sprouts

KD 0.713
1 pkt

Alfalfa sprouts, small and crunchy, often added to sandwiches, wraps, and salads to provide a fresh and mild peppery flavor.