Showing 1–9 of 38 results


Baby Corn

KD 0.450

Baby Corn – Tender and sweet miniature corn cobs.

Red Iced Guava

KD 1.950
1 pkt (350 g)

Red Iced Guava is a refreshing tropical fruit known for its sweet and juicy flesh. It’s often enjoyed as a chilled snack or used to make guava juice and beverages.


KD 2.200

Rambutans, similar to lychees, with a sweet and juicy flesh enclosed in a hairy skin, a tropical delicacy.

Pink Guava

KD 2.250

Pink Guava is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and pink flesh. It’s often enjoyed fresh or used in beverages, smoothies, and desserts for a delightful tropical flavor.

Mushrooms Shimeji White

KD 0.650
1 pkt

White shimeji mushrooms, similar to brown shimeji but with a milder flavor, versatile for Asian-inspired and international dishes.

Mushrooms Shimeji Brown

KD 0.650
1 pkt

Brown shimeji mushrooms, with a nutty and slightly bitter taste, often added to stir-fries, soups, and noodle dishes.

Mushroom Enoki

KD 0.450
1 pkt

Enoki mushrooms, with delicate, slender stems and mild flavor, popular in Asian cuisine for soups, stir-fries, and hot pots.


KD 2.150

Mangosteen, often called the “queen of fruits,” known for its sweet and slightly tart flavor, a tropical delicacy.


KD 2.000

Longan, a small and sweet tropical fruit, similar to lychee, often enjoyed fresh or used in various desserts and beverages.