Showing 25–31 of 31 results


Honey Tomato Vine 180g

Honey Tomato Vine offers tomatoes with a sweeter taste profile. They are often enjoyed as a snack or added to salads, providing a unique and enjoyable tomato experience.

Garlic Box 9KG

Garlic Box provides a quantity of fresh garlic bulbs, ensuring you have an ample supply of this essential ingredient for cooking and flavoring various dishes.

Celery Root (Celeriac)

KD 1.800
1 pc

Celery root, also known as celeriac, with a nutty and celery-like flavor, often used in soups, purees, and as a potato substitute.

Eggplant Box 2KG

Eggplant Box contains a quantity of fresh eggplants, a versatile vegetable used in numerous culinary preparations, including curries, stews, and grilled dishes.

Cucumber Holland

KD 0.900
1 pc

Holland Cucumbers, a cucumber variety known for its mild and crisp texture, perfect for salads, sandwiches, and pickling.

Chili Mix 75g

Chili Mix is a spice blend typically used to season chili con carne and other chili-based dishes. It combines a mix of spices to add depth and heat to your recipes.

Chilli Green Long Box 4KG

Green Long Chilies are slender and mildly spicy chilies often used in Asian and Indian cuisine. They add flavor and heat to a variety of dishes.