Showing 1–9 of 13 results


Celery Root (Celeriac)

KD 1.350
1 pc

Celery root, also known as celeriac, with a nutty and celery-like flavor, often used in soups, purees, and as a potato substitute.

Courgette Green

KD 0.713KD 1.988
1 kg
1 pc

Green courgettes, also known as zucchini, with a delicate and versatile flavor, perfect for grilling, saut?ing, or adding to salads.

Courgette Yellow

KD 0.750KD 2.100
1 kg
1 pc

Yellow courgettes, similar to green ones but with a vibrant yellow color, great for adding visual appeal to dishes.

Cucumber Holland

KD 0.675
1 pc

Holland Cucumbers, a cucumber variety known for its mild and crisp texture, perfect for salads, sandwiches, and pickling.

Oakleaf Lettuce

KD 0.825
1 pc

Oakleaf lettuce, with delicate and tender leaves, ideal for salads, wraps, and as a fresh bed for various culinary creations.


KD 0.638
1 pc

Paksoi, also known as bok choy, with tender leaves and crunchy stems, used in stir-fries, soups, and various Asian-inspired dishes.

Cabbage Chinese

KD 1.463
1 pc

Chinese cabbage, also known as Napa cabbage, with crisp, pale green leaves, ideal for stir-fries, kimchi, and Asian dishes.

Chili Mix 75g

Chili Mix is a spice blend typically used to season chili con carne and other chili-based dishes. It combines a mix of spices to add depth and heat to your recipes.

Courgette Flower

KD 2.700
1 pc

Courgette Flowers, also known as zucchini blossoms, are delicate and edible flowers often used in Mediterranean and Italian cuisine. They are perfect for stuffing and frying.