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All Fruits

Dragon Fruit Red

KD 1.238KD 2.475
1 pc
1 pkt (750g)

Red Dragon Fruit, also known as pitaya, a tropical fruit with vibrant pink or red flesh, offering a sweet and mildly tangy flavor, perfect for enjoying fresh or in various dishes.


KD 1.500

Fragrant and tropical guavas, known for their sweet and slightly tart taste, perfect for eating fresh or juicing.

Green Iced Guava

KD 1.650
1 pkt (300g)

Green Iced Guava is a refreshing and sweet guava-flavored beverage. It’s a popular choice for cooling off and enjoying the tropical taste of guava.

Lulo (Naranjilla)

KD 1.400KD 5.500
1 kg

Lulo, also known as naranjilla, a tropical fruit with a citrusy and tart flavor often used to make refreshing beverages and sauces.

Red Iced Guava

KD 1.650
1 pkt (300g)

Red Iced Guava is a refreshing tropical fruit known for its sweet and juicy flesh. It’s often enjoyed as a chilled snack or used to make guava juice and beverages.

Salak (Snake Fruit)

Salak, also known as snake fruit, a tropical fruit with reddish-brown scaly skin and sweet flesh with a tangy and tannic flavor, typically eaten fresh.


Soursop, also known as Graviola, is a tropical fruit with a unique flavor that combines notes of strawberry, pineapple, and citrus. It’s used in beverages and desserts.


Tamarind, a tangy tropical fruit used in savory and sweet dishes, known for its distinctive flavor.