Showing 1–12 of 19 results


Coconut (Tender)

KD 1.300
1 pc

Young, tender coconuts with refreshing coconut water and soft flesh, a tropical treat.

Banana Leaves

KD 2.300
1 pc

Banana leaves, often used as natural wrappers for cooking and serving various dishes in many cuisines.


KD 2.200

Rambutans, similar to lychees, with a sweet and juicy flesh enclosed in a hairy skin, a tropical delicacy.

Pink Guava

KD 2.200

Pink Guava is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and pink flesh. It’s often enjoyed fresh or used in beverages, smoothies, and desserts for a delightful tropical flavor.


KD 2.200

Mangosteen, often called the “queen of fruits,” known for its sweet and slightly tart flavor, a tropical delicacy.


KD 2.000

Longan, a small and sweet tropical fruit, similar to lychee, often enjoyed fresh or used in various desserts and beverages.

Jackfruit Ripe

KD 1.300

Ripe Jackfruit, a tropical fruit with sweet and tropical notes, often used in desserts, smoothies, and curries for its unique taste and texture.


KD 2.000

Fragrant and tropical guavas, known for their sweet and slightly tart taste, perfect for eating fresh or juicing.

Dragon Fruit White

KD 1.500KD 3.000
1 pc
1 pkt (700g)

Dragon fruit with white flesh and sweet, mild flavor, often used in fruit salads and smoothies for its striking appearance.

Dragon Fruit Red

KD 1.650KD 3.300
1 pc
1 pkt (750g)

Red Dragon Fruit, also known as pitaya, a tropical fruit with vibrant pink or red flesh, offering a sweet and mildly tangy flavor, perfect for enjoying fresh or in various dishes.

Lulo (Naranjilla)

KD 1.400KD 5.500
1 kg

Lulo, also known as naranjilla, a tropical fruit with a citrusy and tart flavor often used to make refreshing beverages and sauces.


KD 3.100KD 5.600
1 kg

Lychees are small and exotic fruits with a sweet and floral flavor. They are typically enjoyed fresh, peeled, and seedless for a delightful and juicy treat.